Monday, January 5, 2009

Weekend 3-4

Where did the weekend go? OH guitar hero world tour band!!

I had a great time at Kristen's basketball practice! I don't usually get to go as I have the other two's practice at the same time, but it was fun to work out with her. She really understands the game and has lots of enthusiasm! We will work on the skills, but as she told me the other day, basketball is just not in her blood like swimming is. Touche! But still a fun 2.5 hours!!

All three had soccer. William had an incredible game (although at one point his head careening towards the boards had visions of dental bills dancing in my head). His Truman United team won 3-2. Kristen had an awesome game on Sunday and her team won also and they went to the pizza joint to celebrate! Kate had an over the top game for futzal. I tried to get some video so you can see how it is a bit different from indoor or outdoor. She scored and won 3-1.

Kristen and I had a "Frenchy" marathon play practice. I think I have all the lines memorized! Now if she just hits her cues!!

We spent a very nice evening Friday out at the Firepit until midnight. The temperature was never lower than 50 and we watched the fog roll up our "Ohler mountain." It was completely foggy by the time we walked home to bed!

We picked up Guitar Hero world tour band on Saturday at the mall and all I can say is "we love it!" There have been many, many hours spent playing drums, lead guitar, bass, and microphone singing on the wii. After 3 hours of mall shopping with two girls loaded with gift cards all I can say is "phew!"

This morning it was difficult for everyone to get out of bed, but we were all excited to see our friends at school!! So I imagine that Tuesday morning will be worse than today! The break is never long enough!

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