Friday, January 2, 2009

Friday fun

The kids and I spent our last "free" day at the movies. We saw Bed Time Stories. The kids loved it. We all agreed that raining gumballs was our favorite part.

This evening Kristen and I had a mommy daughter date. We spent 2 and half hours walking around the art museum. She recognizes many artist now. VanGogh is her favorite. She was also able to notice subtle differences and similarities in certain paintings, even one of the curators noticed that she picked up on the faces in the American art gallery. Here is a picture of her in front of an Oceanic piece that she replicated (and is in my closet to be framed someday!). Her elementary art teachers did an excellent job of exposing her to different artists and styles.

Then we went to The LOOP and Fitz's root beer and had some appetizers and an ice cream float! No she did not eat all four scoops of ice cream but she came pretty close.

While in the LOOP we ran across Sara Teasdale's star. She just so happens to be a Missouri Poet that Kristen studied in fourth grade. She had to dress up as her and give a speech. We were surprised and happy to walk right up to it!

At home Kate and Wil played Monopoly :-). Good day for all!

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