Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Frenchy debuts tonight!

Well I broke down and spent the money for the pink ladies jacket for Kristen for her play. It is TOO cute, pink satin with "pink ladies" on the jacket. I gave it to her yesterday, she was so excited. Wil and I (and Sonny-long story, he just ended up with me for the afternoon) stayed and watched a bit of rehearsal. She is going to be so good! Poor Mr. Tyler (the director), he is a great guy, but "Danny" still did not know his parts! ARGH! I would have cut him! Ok, probably not but still! The boys and girls in the show look so good. I know it will all come together for them.

I took lunch to Kristen today and a good luck cookie cake and balloon. School cafeterias have not changed much over the years. Ok, maybe more selection, but the kids still picked pizza, chicken nuggets, nachos, and corn dogs over any of the healthy selections. Although, Kristen's friends all insist that she eats fruit at every lunch. I took her a big box of raspberries (her favorite) and she devoured the whole thing. The cookie cake was a big hit. Lots of kids came by to wish her happy birthday and it gave her a chance to announce to everyone that the PLAY was starting tonight. Everyone says they are coming to see her! It should be interesting tonight as the theatre at the middle school is tiny and is basically a formal dress rehearsal for the high school performances next week. I wore my pink sweater today and of course she noticed! LOL! Isn't that one of the best things about kids, getting to live vicariously through them!! (but not too close! lol)

Kate this morning was working on her poetry. Here is her metaphor "A daisy is as bright as the sun shining on me on a warm summer day."

Wil is working on money skills this week with math. OH MY! Like the boy needs more incentive to be obcessed with numbers!

Updates later on the first Grease performance tonight! Break a leg, Kristen!!

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