Wednesday, January 21, 2009


PSR was cancelled because of MLK day so of course we went to the mall. At least the girls...Daddy said his knee was bothering him LOL!! And Wil just told us to buy him a pink Hollister shirt! OMG! The girls have discovered "name" brands. I know it is a struggle that all parents face. Since we had a very hard financial year last year this is not the best time for them to become brand conscious, but it happens! Most parents I have talked to say it is a middle school thing and by high school it relaxes, so I will be grateful for that! HA! But for now I spent my evening at aeropostal and hollister and other stores that play their music WAY too loud (yes I am officially a mother, cause the girls saw nothing wrong with the fact that there was no way to hold a conversation in these stores as the music was so loud! Not to mention the perfume that is sprayed on EVERYTHING! What a marketing scheme! I of course had to analyze the whole system, causing Kristen to roll her eyes at me. I still have a little influence over Kate, but I'm sure that is thin and short lived.

Will also finished his timeline of his "life." It was really hard to only pick ONE picture for each year! He did a fabulous job!

1 comment:

  1. Oh good, I see a chubby ghostly picture of me on that timeline! You were the best looking ring bearer I've ever seen...Love you Wil!
