Tuesday, September 14, 2010


While were at the hotel, Kristen did two amazing things. One of the little sisters was running and fell and hit her lip on the edge of a metal chair, putting her teeth through her bottom lip and needing a quick trip to the emergency room. Kristen sat with the girl as she cried hysterically and held an ice rag on the girl's wound, changing out to clean rags as the rags were soaked with blood and keeping the girl calm while the mom went to get her car to take her to the hospital. Kristen was super calm and helpful!

Later in the night, we were sitting in the lobby with all the parents and this lady we don't know starts asking everyone who's Kristen's mom, who's Kristen's mom. Instant panic mode for me as I think something has happened to her. I jump up and run over to her and the lady grabs me and says,"I just had to find you and tell you what a wonderful person Kristen is. We have been traveling for hours and just got here and I was carrying so much stuff and she came over and took my stuff and helped me carry everything to our room. She was so sweet and kind I just wanted you to know what an amazing kid she is." Then she walked off and I never saw her again. Pretty cool kid!

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