Sunday, September 19, 2010


Big day for Kristen this weekend. She cheered for her first football game. It was HOT and she had to wear her turtleneck. She learned so many cheers and all the moves that go with each cheer (yeah it reminded me a bit of memorizing lines and practicing for soccer all rolled in one).I was super proud that she actually knows football and cheered and encouraged the team at the right parts! She really knows how to motivate 8th grade boys (I'm sure her dad is not happy about that), but even when our team was down she was yelling at the boys to not get down and get back in the game and the next play they scored!! Never underestimate the power of a cheerleader in a short skirt :-P !!!
And WOW can Kristen cheer! Anyone who knows her, knows she is loud! Pep and cheer come pretty naturally to her!

She is also an amazing team mate. Two girls got faint from the heat and Kristen was the first to help. She also had extra water (she brought her soccer water jug, knowing it was hot) and she made sure all the girls who didn't bring any water shared hers.
Yes, I have the American Idol Mom syndrome, I've always known that no matter what my kids tried I would think they are the best at it, guess it just shocked me a bit that I would feel this way about cheerleading! Super proud to be a cheerleaders mom!!! Once again, you never know where life is going to take you with kids!! Love it!!

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