Monday, February 9, 2009

Happy Birthday, Kristen!!

Started the day off with 6:00 am wakeup...Birthday girl dancing around with her princess crown on. Daddy made breakfast and she opened her present! More gift cards to the mall! Daddy drove her to school and embarrassed her by honking and yelling happy birthday out the window. Her friends met her before school and not only decorated her locker but decorate HER in a weird outfit.

Daddy and I took over pizza for all her friends. We also brought a jug of ring pops instead of cake. BOTH were a huge hit!

Also forgot to mention that on our way to get KJ for her soccer game, I got her uniform and daddy was to get the red soccerball socks, this is what she ended up with! LOL!(you may have to view the picture full size to see that there are monkeys on the socks not soccer balls!) While I was laughing and taking the picture, dad said, great I'm gonna be in the blog

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