Thursday, February 26, 2009

Equal time...

Kate knows that I love the Non-Sequitur comic and often see her (and mostly myself) in the Danae character (think unconventional viewpoint of the world).

So in fairness, I have to post this as it is totally Wil, as he often sees his sisters! Only someone who has grown up with sisters can relate to his angst ;-).

William's favorite comic right now is Calvin and Hobbs. He got a book for Christmas and we are on our third reading. Wil is so funny, he actually quotes the comics when something in real life reminds him of one! Yesterday we were talking about not getting what we wished for and he starts cracking up about his FAVORITE strip in the book where Calvin says to Hobbes, "If you could have anything in the world right now, what would it be?" Hobbes starts thinking, and Calvin says, "Anything at all! What ever you want!" Hobbes finally says, "A sandwich." Calvin yells, "A sandwich? What kind of stupid wish is that? Talk about a failure of imagination! I'd ask for a trillion billion dollars, my own space shuttle, and a private continent!" The last frame of the cartoon shows Hobbes eating a sandwich while he says, "I got my wish." Wil gets that kind of lesson. He is a great kid!

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