Friday, February 27, 2009


I have so many profound conversations with my kids that I am often touched by what insightful human beings they are. Tonight laying in bed with Wil, he asks me, "Mom, what does regret mean?"

I am swelling with pride thinking he has some great insight into something gone wrong in his life or at the very least is grasping this difficult concept. I simply said, "regret is when you feel sorry that you did something."

"well then," says Wil," if it was possible for me to print out the money from my webkinz game onto real paper, I would almost have 30,000 dollars and YOU are going to regret grounding me from screens this week cause I'm not going to give you any."

Spirit crushed. Is my life like a comic strip or what?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Equal time...

Kate knows that I love the Non-Sequitur comic and often see her (and mostly myself) in the Danae character (think unconventional viewpoint of the world).

So in fairness, I have to post this as it is totally Wil, as he often sees his sisters! Only someone who has grown up with sisters can relate to his angst ;-).

William's favorite comic right now is Calvin and Hobbs. He got a book for Christmas and we are on our third reading. Wil is so funny, he actually quotes the comics when something in real life reminds him of one! Yesterday we were talking about not getting what we wished for and he starts cracking up about his FAVORITE strip in the book where Calvin says to Hobbes, "If you could have anything in the world right now, what would it be?" Hobbes starts thinking, and Calvin says, "Anything at all! What ever you want!" Hobbes finally says, "A sandwich." Calvin yells, "A sandwich? What kind of stupid wish is that? Talk about a failure of imagination! I'd ask for a trillion billion dollars, my own space shuttle, and a private continent!" The last frame of the cartoon shows Hobbes eating a sandwich while he says, "I got my wish." Wil gets that kind of lesson. He is a great kid!

Kate's classroom

Here is the link to Kate's classroom blog. That way you can keep up with what is going on in her classroom! Her teacher is awesome at "service-learning." They have adopted a tiny cemetery that is right around the corner from school and have worked closely with the historical society to learn about the history of the area. They also cleared and keep the area clean, although they have a huge poison ivy problem, they are working on!! Kate is always aware of any service-learning that she sees going on, she is developing into quite a compassionate little girl!!

Last night was Kristen's last basketball practice. She has two games on Sunday and then basketball is over for her. One of her friends got a call from the MUNY to say that she was accepted into Annie. Kristen is of course very upset that she did not get a call, we spent a good deal of the afternoon processing. She was super happy for her friend and told everyone and gave her friend lots of kudos. Kristen is a great kid. This Saturday, Kristen will be working with the all Suburban choir. It is a choir made up of the best 6th, 7th & 8th graders in the metropolitan area, she was nominated by her teacher and sang a duet to be accepted. We will be very excited to hear their first concert! As always, there are lots of road to success in this world, I am so proud to have a resilient kid!

And here is a picture of Wil with his second grade teacher. We really appreciate everything she does to support William's love of math!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tuesday nite...

Kristen had a soccer game last night! She won 3-0. As she said, her "line" scored all the points. She had two assists and would have had another one at half, but when she kicked it off the wall to center the ball and the girl kicked it in for a goal, it was RIGHT when the buzzer went off and the ref said no goal!

The kids also had PSR. Wil is practicing for his first communion. He has most of his prayers memorized, we are still working on parts of the Our Father, but he has the Hail Mary, Glory Be, and several other down pat!

Kate did her math sheets this morning! She is super great with a calculator now! We will get over this hump one way or another!

Wil's character book report

William's class had a presentation today of the biographies that his class learned about in February. Wil read his book about Cole Sprouse who plays, Cody on the Disney show, "Suite Life of Zac and Cody." He and his friend Cooper did the research together, wrote a report, designed a poster, got props, and dressed in character. They did a GREAT job on their presentation! I have a video, but it is not so good and doesn't seem to want to load! This morning when Wil was getting ready, he is the smart "preppy" twin we had to have the khaki pants and button down shirt with the crest on it! He really wanted a sweater vest but we do not own one! He also packed clothes for his friend, just in case he didn't have any cool sporty clothes;-)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Kate's idea of math...

Kate and I do math most every morning before school. This cartoon matches her thoughts exactly!!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Muny tryouts

On Saturday Kristen tried out for the MUNY. Driving to the auditions was super exciting, nerves and the unknown, but we figured "hey what can it hurt." We saw a homeless man and we gave him 5 bucks figuring it couldn't hurt our karma :-). When we got to the audition site there was a huge traffic jam and no parking anywhere on any of the lots that were suggested on the website. Being a "city" girl, I cut down a few alleys and found a spot about 5 blocks away, it was SUPER cold. We quickly walked to the sight asking a few directions along the way and this is what we saw when we walked in...

And that was just at the door. We found our way to the line and got our "card" and number and were told that it would be 2 or so hours until our number was called. (can you say "American Idol" ;-). Kristen saw two of her friends and went to ask them everything that they knew, which only made it worse for her nerves. Needless to say, I was overwhelmed!! Dance instructors with their girls, voice teachers warming girls up, girls stretching and practicing, mommies primping and doing hair. Costumes in zipped up bags, dance shoes, every type of dance leotard made, matching out fits, outfits that made the girls stand out...make up! Ok so I figured we are definitely in over our heads! I told KJ lets go to Bushia's and come back (forgetting she was on a cruise, until I called the house). So we went to O'Connell's pub which was right around the corner. We had a great time watching all the mardi gras folks :-). We talked and laughed about the "what ifs"...mostly just keeping the talk away from how REALLY unprepared we were! But HEY it was our first time. I told Kristen, "we didn't bring anything but the TALENT!" I kept reassuring her that it was a great experience, she must have asked me 100 times, "do you think I should really do this." After an hour or so, we paid the bill and went back to the site. We got a spot in the lot!

We walked in filled out her card, found a spot on the floor and sat down. Kristen had to go to the bathroom (which was a zoo, just imagine a thousand girls and their mommies UGH!). While she was in their THEY CALLED HER NUMBER! Yikes! I ran to the bathroom and yelled in "Kristen" and she said "Yea" and I said you have to go RIGHT now. In retrospect it was a great thing that we didn't have any time to think about it! She went over to where her group of numbers were called and they lined up the girls. She was number 270 (in group ten). She was cool and I was freaking out. She was the only kid in her group in jeans and a holister shirt. Granted she looked adorable, but everyone else had on their dance outfits or at least their body suits and dance shoes. I felt HORRIBLE as a mother. But I watched her talking to the leader and smiling. Then they took her in an elevator!! DANG I freaked out! Total nerves. What was I doing sending my kid into a situation where she is over her head! Took a lot of texting to Chris and self talk to get myself calm. That only lasted about 30 minutes and I was in full out "bring my kid back to me right now" mode as I was imagining other girls being snotty to her and the judges rolling their eyes! LOL, I know it sound irrational, but you should have been sitting in the huge hall with all the "mommies" and dance teachers and voice teachers and listening to the hours and hours of work they put into just for this audition. Ok , so I freaked. But all at once a calm came over me and I knew she was just having fun...I could not have been more proud of her. What courage to walk away from your mother and put yourself out there for others to judge. She was amazing and I knew she had the confidence and talent and above all else she was genuine, not fake! It was about the experience and not about winning. So many girls have been professionally trained since they were two and have tried out for seven years and have NEVER made a performance. SO it was ok that she was just there, enjoying the process!

I sat there, waiting for over two hours, watching groups of kids come out of the audition hall. Always looking for KJ...there were really happy girls, who were saying the dance was easy and those that said the dance was really hard. There were girls with tears saying they messed up their singing and others saying they did great. (more mommy nerves, why haven't I given her dance lessons, voice lessons?) FINALLY I recognize some of the girls from her group coming up the stairs, I just KNOW that KJ is going to be the last one up as she wouldn't want it to be over. She finally comes up the stairs she sees me across the way and LITERALLY jumps three feet in the air and runs into my arms! She whispers "I was the best singer there." Here is what happened according to Kristen...They took them up the elevator to the dance studio, the choreographer says, here is the dance routine..."shuffle, something something, buffalo dance, toe tap something, shuffle skip, tap, something something"...I was laughing so hard hearing KJ tell the story. She has no idea what the teacher is saying and then a girl raises her hand and says can you show us the buffalo said she was so happy that they showed the whole dance, she showed it to me several times and there were parts that were complicated, KJ says "I just faked it." she says they lined them up and of course she is FRONT ROW CENTER! OMG...they took pictures and got number tags, and then waited in a long hallway after they practiced for awhile. They took the group on stage (mind you KJ front and center). She said there were judges in rows and several with clipboards on stage. They cued the music and did the routine as a group. Then they had each row dance the music by themselves, while the judges marked on their clip boards. Then it was time to sing and the kids sat in seats and came up one at a time and gave their music to the pianist. She said most of the girls sang softly and some voices broke and there were one or two that were ok. She said there was no microphone, she gave the pianist her song and she was upset that the pianist played the song faster than she wanted, but that she belted out the song and several girls were clapping when she was done. The judges said, thank you, and she said, "no, thank you!!" LOL...she said she was one of the only girls to say thank you, which of course upset her.

When we were leaving a group of 3 girls who obviously have done this before (think beautiful matching outfits, makeup, dance shoes, etc) came over to Kristen and told her she did a great job and had a great voice. She hugged each one of them and wished them good luck...two other girls came over and said the same thing, Kristen of course giving them tons of praise and hugs. Even when we were walking out an older girl on her cell phone, stopped talking and said to her, hey you were great! Nice to know I have a nice kid!! So now we wait until March 6 to see if we hear anything! All in all she said it was a great experience and she would do it again! I am so very proud of her for putting herself out there and doing great! We know our chances are slim to none (doesn't keep us from keeping our fingers crossed), as a mom I know that these things are often as much about who you know...but still how fun!

Basketball weekend...

Kate had her last basketball games of the season. On Friday night she won 23-6, she had 16 points. On Saturday morning she won 23-4 and had 12 points. Her entire team has come a long way this season and really worked well together!

William lost his game on Friday 44-43 (yes that is an 8 year old boys score!) He was incredible had 28 points and if there was just a few more minutes left, he knows he could have beaten them. He won his game on Saturday morning 23-24 and had 12 points! He has a great shot! We are looking forward to him playing on the regular hoops next year!

We went to the waffle house after the Saturday games to celebrate!

Kristen had a game on Sunday night and lost 28-10. She played a good game, but got elbowed in the face with her new braces. It was a good thing she had her mouth guard on, but it still hurts!

Wil also had two soccer games. One with TU and one with Fenix. He won both games and scored! He has excellent footskills and is so much fun to watch.

Kristen had a MKB soccer game and won 5-1. She had a good game and her team really put together a great effort!

Kate did NOT have a soccer game and was miserable all weekend :-(. Her indoor season is over and outdoor has not begun. She has a soccer tournament next weekend so hopefully that will Carry her through the next 3 weeks until outdoor begins! When we are playing outdoors in the rain/snow/sleet I am going to remind her how much she whined about not having a game ;-).

Kristen's braces...

Well it's official Kristen got her braces Friday morning. It took about 3 hours and she did great. She has pink and blue rubber bands! She was in a lot of pain on Friday, but by Saturday just her front teeth were sore. She is very anxious about going to school today, but I know it will be fine!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Talent shows...

So now I am swamped with the Truman Variety show that is in March. I have 40+ acts in and out of my classroom this week, during and after school!

We are busy as usual, but just not as much time to blog (as if there is ever time ;-). Wednesday night was Wil and Kate's last basketball practice for the season. We are both happy and sad at the same time. They each have two basketball games this weekend and then the season is over for them. Kristen had practice and she still has a few more weeks. She has handled her season with more grace and poise than many adults I know.

Thursday night Kristen had her talent show. She sang "Tomorrow" from the musical "Annie" acapella. She has a beautiful strong voice and did an awesome job! I didn't get a good picture, but she looked great once the spotlight was on.

We had a rough start to our morning, but hopefully the day will improve. (((hugs))) for everyone who needs them!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Kate's bread

Kate made her first batch of homemade bread last night. Ok so it was with the bread machine, but still! Daddy has a great honey wheat recipe and he let her make the bread! It turned out delicious!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

President's Day weekend

Well actually I suppose I need to go back to Thursday night! We took the kids swimming! Indoors of course, but the water felt good! There was tons of try to dunk mommy and splashing and playing. Mostly good to hear everyone laughing and playing together.

Friday the kids had their valentine's parties at school. I took them all balloons and treats for the day and got their teachers roses and vases with balloons. They are all very proud to give all their teachers the little gifts we buy for them. Friday night Wil had footskills with WC. He likes doing the ladder drill where it is how fast your feet can move! Kate had a basketball game and saved us! She had 12 of the 16 points. Ok so maybe "save" is a bit dramatic (yes, I have been called that a time or two ;-) since the game was 16-4, but it seemed that no one could make any baskets. She had two beautiful shots from just at the free throw line that were as pretty as any high schools! Kristen went to rollercade with her girlfriends.

Saturday was Valentine's day! We had a great day together! Wil had a basketball game that he won by one point. Kate had another basketball game where she scored 10 points! So it was a 22 point weekend for her!!

Sunday Kate had an indoor footsol game (last one of the season YEAH!) she won 2-1 and she had BOTH of the scores! One an awesome blast into the back of the net and another one off of a penalty shot she took when they shoved her down in the goal box. She has a nice scab on her elbow. Sunday was the first time she took her earrings out for a game and it was dramatic (think she is like me eh?? ;-) Getting them back in was even worse! It is amazing how thin the skin is on the back of her ear, but we survived! She then went straight to footskills at Viz. She is a dedicated player!

Kristen had a soccer game on Sunday. Her team lost by one point, but she had two shots on goal, one that was a blast that almost knocked over the goalie! And Sunday night she had a basketball game that they lost, but once again it was very physical. For a sweet, skinny little thing she is the most aggressive on the court!!

Monday the kids spent the morning working on their fort. Then I took them to rollercade (most of my pictures were a blur!)This one was taken early before it got crowded, that is KJ in the pink.
Then it was off to piano!
Then Wil had a soccer pizza party with his Truman United team.

All in all it was a very busy weekend for the kids!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Regular wednesday...

Kristen is practicing for the talent show. We all four had basketball. Watched American Idol. Took showers and went to bed. Wil had a rough night. We are all still battling our head colds, week two, ugh!

And just a warning that some of you may be getting a card in the mail asking you to purchase a magazine for our school fundraiser. NO need to buy anything, the kids got their "prize" - glasses that double as a straw, for turning in ten addresses (they promise that the addresses will not be given to anyone else).

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Come on spring...

Yes, that how glorious the weather has been that the kids rode down the street like that. Bike rides and walks and jumping on trampoline were on the list for the afternoon. Then PSR and bedtimes. We are ready for nice weather!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

New earrings...

Kate finally is able to change her earrings! She did really great last night when I took them out. One ear looks better than the other, but both are coming along nicely! She has not changed them herself, yet, but I was able to get one in on the first try and needed a little extra help with the other. Kate ALWAYS takes my earrings in and out, so I am sure she will do fine once she gets used to it. Every girl who has ever gotten their ears pierced knows how weird it feels the first time you do it!!

Last night Wil had a Fenix soccer game. This was the first time the boys actually had some serious competition! Yes, they played a select third grade boys team, but the other team had serious skills and speed. In my opinion, it honestly came down to the fact that our boys were in better physical shape than the other team. We won 3-0 but all those points came late (it was 0-0 at the half). William played defense and midfield and was incredible (I know I need more adjectives ;-) but he was! Not only great stops and saves, but really incredible footskills and ball handling ability, not to mention setting up 2 of the three goals! Everyone was up and yelling and I do honestly think that many Daddies were having heart attacks ;-). I heard daddy yell more than once, that's my boy! Kate and Kristen were about to come out of their skin, yelling with excitement. The game was wicked fast and the soccer so incredible to watch! Would love to do it all over again!!

And we went out for the birthday girl's dinner at Chevy's. If you look closely at the picture, she is on her cell phone!

And when we are at Chevy's they give the kids dough to play with. I started the game when they were little and we always have to play it, but they make things with the dough and everyone has to guess it! Here are three for you to guess! We always laugh and have a good time when we go to Chevy's as a family! Kristen didn't want her birthday to be over and neither did any of us!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Happy Birthday, Kristen!!

Started the day off with 6:00 am wakeup...Birthday girl dancing around with her princess crown on. Daddy made breakfast and she opened her present! More gift cards to the mall! Daddy drove her to school and embarrassed her by honking and yelling happy birthday out the window. Her friends met her before school and not only decorated her locker but decorate HER in a weird outfit.

Daddy and I took over pizza for all her friends. We also brought a jug of ring pops instead of cake. BOTH were a huge hit!

Also forgot to mention that on our way to get KJ for her soccer game, I got her uniform and daddy was to get the red soccerball socks, this is what she ended up with! LOL!(you may have to view the picture full size to see that there are monkeys on the socks not soccer balls!) While I was laughing and taking the picture, dad said, great I'm gonna be in the blog

weekend again...

Ok, hard for me to come up with catchy weekend was the same and different. I always think I will have more time to blog on the weekend, but it seems to be less time! I can't even begin to blog even HALF of the things that go on in our lives and/or the conversations and activities that occur. So here is the weekend in a nutshell... Friday was gorgeous out! Kate and Wil jumped out of the car before we got home and went to play with friends! Kristen and I jumped on the trampoline, ok I jumped a little and then she just bounced me around. We laid in the sun and talked. I do not have permission to post conversations with KJ anymore without her approval, let's just say that sometimes middle school can be rough! Growing pains for everyone!Then we made sausage and cabbage since it is one of her favorites. We sat down to eat and a neighbor stopped by. Then her and I went for a ride in his hotrod car...the best cure for middle school blues ;-).

We went to the neighbors who had a fire pit going and the kids played and rode bikes outside. One of their friends almost had a bike meets car tragedy, but luckily the driver was doing the speed limit, but it freaked us all out. We have two boys in our circle of friends who are getting ready to turn 16 so it was a good lesson for them to see, so hopefully they will never speed down a subdivision! It was getting late and windy and the kids were starving, again. So we ordered pizza and of course the "permit" only drivers wanted to drive and pick it up, lol, too funny! We went inside our friends and had a great evening of dancing and pizza. The boys had a chess tournament that Wil won (yes he was the youngest kid there ;-)!!!

Saturday, Wil woke up with a wicked cough (we have all been passing around this head cold), so he had a treatment. Daddy took Wil to his team pictures and basketball game and I dropped off Kristen and then went to Kate's soccer game. Kristen went to Uncle David's to help Aunt Sara with the kids, since she thinks she broke her toe and Uncle Patrick was recovering from his surgery. William won his basketball game 18-17 and Wil had 13 points. Wil said he was the hero. Daddy said he was just on fire, and had every single rebound! Kate lost her game by one point in a heart breaker. Seems the cold bug has hit her entire team as the were only THREE players their counting Kate! We had to borrow a few players from the team before us! Kate had an incredible game, but couldn't get the ball to go into the goal! Shots off the post and so many close calls. She played incredible and never got a rest! Then we were off to her basketball game. Unfortunately we did not get there until half time and the score was 3-7 (super low)... the team missed Kate and their assistant coach (me). We ended up winning 3-25 something and Kate had a great game with shots, steals and rebounds!

Then off to Uncle D for Kristen and Hannah's party...taking care of the salad, decorations and cake for us...then back out to William's first Fenix indoor soccer team. He is playing in a 3rd grade select league (as a 2nd grader). His team won 7-0 (I think)...anyway he played so incredible (considering he already had a game and is fighting a head cold). We have not seen a lot of these boys since the fall and Wil looks very tall and lean. His foot skills are very impressive and he had several incredible touches and saves! The team is really fun to watch, even if I do complain about them winning by so many points! The boys know the game and execute it like much more mature versions of themselves.

Then back to party! Kristen and Hannah had lasagna and THREE cakes! It was a great day. Kristen is the most happy about the clothes and the gift cards and the cash! She can not wait to go to the mall!!

Kate and Wil spent the night with the other 10 grandchildren! Boy there are a lot of kids and we took Kristen to another birthday party so she could have a sleep over. She knew she had an early soccer game and did go to bed by midnight but then she got "made-over" in her sleep (payback for when she did that to her brother!). And she woke up and stayed up until 4 am! I can't tell you the other things that happen at a sleepover, but she had a ton of fun and I really like her group of friends!

We were up early and off to Kristen's game. She was exhausted when we picked her up! Her team lost 4-3, but I have to honestly say that it was one of her best games ever. She hustled on every ball, had once touch roll back move that was SWEET and a beautiful assist off the board right to her teammate who scored. She was also short players because of the nasty colds going around, so between having other girls fill in for them and being moved up to a more competitive league this session, they did pretty good. It was still a hard hard loss to take as it has been months since KJ's indoor team has lost!

Let's see then it was off to play at Uncle D's before an afternoon basketball game. The less said the better, but Kristen still played awesome and hustled her little tail off!! And Kate had footskills at Viz too! So that's this weekend's highlights...

Friday, February 6, 2009

Busy, busy

Ok so actually trying to find time to post to this blog daily is a chore! Tuesday night was PSR and I went to William's first communion meeting. His first communion is April 18th at 1:00pm.

Wednesday is basketball night. Took Kristen to the high school, but her practice was cancelled so she was able to come to practice with us. We stayed late to watch part of a fourth grade boys basketball game.

Thursday was finally a break in the weather. So the kids played outside! Daddy took Kate to get her retainer adjusted (again).

And today was Jump Rope for Heart at school. Thanks to everyone who donated to the American Heart association in Kate's name!

And the money talk...not so good. We are appreciated, but the kids like their lives just the way they are, imagine that ;-). We always say it is good to be our kids!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


So today we have very tall spiked hair. Seems both the boys and the girls loved his hair yesterday so today he told them he was going to wear it slicked back like Danny in Grease. Unfortunately his hair does not like to go back so we settled for this version today.

And the mommy ATM was open again today. Money for Kate's field trip, money for Kristen's lunch account and money for school store. I calculated how much money we spend on average per month on kids activities (just fees, not the equipment) and just organized activities (not friends birthday parties, the mall, movies, plays, science fairs, or living expenses, like entertainment, food, clothes, etc.) the amount is amazing! We are going to have a budget discussion this weekend.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Hair again...

Seems that Wil got a little too much attention for his cute hair yesterday. All of the girls were fawning all over him, didn't make him popular with the boys. So today he wore a mohawk to impress the boys. Not sure if I should be supporting this, but I know he is just trying to figure out who he is and what his place is in this world!

Kristen is home sick today. She is so congested she can not breath and she is just plain exhausted. Kate "shopped" in her sister's closet last night and has on the cutest outfit with her ugg boots today. She is adorable!

Last night we all had piano and Wil went to WC soccer training. We also watched two American Idol shows, we are still two behind. The girls played the game clue while watching. When Wil got home from soccer skills he was soaked, he got in the tub with Sonny! I'm not exactly sure who washed who, but when I laid with William to read books and prayers his hair smelled exactly like the dog shampoo!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Mommy Mississippi...

Well I was gone Friday through Sunday, but it seems the children survived. I visited an old friend and had a fabulous time! Short update on kids...Kate had two soccer games and lost them both! ugh! Wil tied his soccer game 4-4, but had another incredible shot with his left foot, I'm beginning to wonder if he is not left footed like his dad. Kristen won her last game of the indoor session and officially took the championship! So excited as she also scored TWO goals! Not her record of three in one game, but she did score two awesome goals! Kate missed her basketball game because of scheduling conflicts. Wil won his basketball game and Kristen had basketball practice! Phew! Daddy did a great job getting everyone where they needed to be! Seems everyone got a stuffy nose too this weekend, so lots of meds to help with that! Thanks Daddy!

This morning, Wil gelled his hair in my bathroom. Some mornings it takes everything I have to not laugh, but when it was done he did look cute! Just watching him watch himself in the mirror is a hoot! And here is a picture he drew of our house. Pretty amazing!