Friday, February 3, 2012

Our darling Kate attending her second cotillion lesson. She said that the boys learned to escort the girls to dinner and also how to twirl. The dinner part was fine but she said the boys think twirling mean flinging wildly and she kept cracking up! I wish I was a fly on the wall!! 

Kj is working overtime at cheer leading for her senior night performance. Her toe touches are amazing 180 degrees of perfection! She also MADE LIMELIGHT show choir for next year! Her voice continues to mature an grow stronger!

Wil is working on his science fair project. Of course it involves fire and he has been running burn tests in the firepit in the back yard. 

Busy weekend ahead as we are hosting the pre party for the couples and their parents before the winter formal dance. Not to mention the endless dress shopping which FINALLY was purchased last night! And of course we always have the post party with the kids, I really think the other parents don't like to stay up until 2am! 

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