Saturday, March 26, 2011

Wil's History Museum display

Today was the opening celebration for Wil's class' history display. His elementary school is closing this year and his class worked with the MO History Museum to create a display chronicling the changes that have occurred.  It was a wonderful experience for him to work with museum curators. He was the CEA=Curator of events and activities.  He found out it was a lot more work than the thought! He did an amazing job! It is on display for a month so we will have to go back and get pictures of the display, it was too packed today!
Cheerleaders wearing the different uniforms over the decades.
Wil's teacher Mrs. Jane Hake.

Fredbird, booked by our very favorite CEA-Wil!

Wil in front of the timeline, he was responsible for 1960s.

Lindbergh's old mascot "Flyer"

The dancing through the decades dance!

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