Sunday, January 2, 2011

Best of 2010

Ok so maybe it should be 2010 in review! Before the blog, when I just kept everything on a calendar, Chris and I would review the year. When the kids came along we would not only use the calendar but the photo albums as well to review the year!  Now my calendar is on my phone, not to mention most of the photos!! It still was a great year and although it was not the best ever, it was slow and steady and since I've seen the highs and lows I'll take the slow and steady anytime!! So here are a few of the things that our family remembers of 2010! Thanks for being a part of our lives!!

Traveling: Phoenix, Table Rock, Durango, Kansas City, Columbia, Cape Girardeau, Memphis
Soccer: St. Paul tournament champions, Kate city-county champs, Kristen & Kate playing on the same soccer team and winning district championship, Kate switch club teams to Lou Fusz, World Cup Soccer
Family: Cousin Blair, Chutka pregnant, Chris employed all year with ACE
Hospital visits: Chris' tooth, Wil's broke finger, Kate' broke toe
Kids: Kristen officially a teenager, Kristen "Do the Right Thing" Award , Kristen making the cheerleading team, Kate finishing elementary school, Kate soccer campout, Wil's gifted classes
Noteworthy: last summer at Uncle David's pool, Bushia's compound sold, family pictures, changing jobs to teach middle school, tornado through our neighborhood on New Year's Eve, Aunt Gloria passing.

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