Thursday, January 14, 2010


Wil started new gifted class this semester. One of his classes is
puppetry and here is his first paper puppet named "Wil!"

On another note I overheard Wil talking to his friends and heard him
say, "I like lots of music, but my theme song is I make those good
girls go bad!" OMG LOL.

He also has the daily count down going on until he starts guitar
lessons. He is going to do 8 group lessons with a music teacher to see
how it goes.

He has so many comments daily that I wish he had a tape recorder with
him! His favorite phrase of the week is "I think it is highly unlikely
that..." he still continues to be our comic relief!

He also is working on memorizing his multiplication facts for an ice
cream party. He is taking his 7s tests today!

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