Sunday, December 6, 2009

Soccer and grandparents

Grandma and grandpa have been in town all week celebrating Wil's
birthday. Alhough we had a fairly light week, we still managed to take
them to breakfast with Santa and 4 soccer games! Wil played his first
ever indoor futsol soccer game, against 7 th grade girls! Although
they lost it was fun to watch them learn the game and they hustled the
whole time! KJ lost her indoor game, but they had no coaches and were
missing 4 players:-(... She will do better next time g and g are in
town. Kate won her first futsol game (and scored) and lost the second
one(she was just helping out the second game and had limited playing
time). All the kids were very excited that g and g came and watched
them play.

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