Thursday, December 31, 2009

Worst of 2009

ok, just because it has to be noted...
our friend Laura Albes dieing suddenly was the saddest moment of 2009...
then our neighbor's house, the DuPonts, burning down the day after Christmas...
Chris being out of work most of the year...
and my Sis AND Bro both moving to Pheonix...

Goodbye 2009

Kristen's TOP TEN 2009

1. Taylor Swift concert

2. Grease Frenchy

3. Boating/Lake House

4. Chicago

5. Family Vacation

6. My birthday/Kidnapping Kim for her birthday

7. Driving to AZ with 4 kids and Aunt Sara

8. Dad job

9. First overnight trip to Camp Wyman

10. Daniel Born

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Footie jammies

Sizes 1 year to 12 years!

7 a.m.!

Jake, grandma, and grandpa all got up to watch Kate's games! She won
both and scored in both games!


Our good friends the DuPont's house burned down the day after Christmas. We are sad. Everyone is ok and I look forward to the day I can post the picture of the new house.

Best Christmas ever

So the new cell phone has not left her hand for the past 6 hours!

Santa coach

Santa came and coached Kristen's soccer game!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Gingerbread house

Is complete, christmas Eve dinner was a success....Santa can come!

Merry Christmas Eve!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happy 1st birthday Leah!

So glad we could celebrate with you!!!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Kristen show choir 2009

The pictures are not the greatest, but we could not be more proud!! I have some very sketchy video that I will try to upload later too! After the new year I will bring the camcorder and take some decent video! Way to go Kristen, you are beautiful and sing like an angel!! I am still working with imovie, do not know how to edit the music or timing just yet, but eventually I will get it.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Tough being nine

Basketball game, soccer game and bowling birthday party!! Nice to be


It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas

Not enough to play in but enough to make the Christmas music seem

Kate's winter party

Here is Kate playing left-right at her holiday party! So sad that it
is her last school Christmas party, growing up does stink sometimes!
And although Kristen doesn't have school parties anymore, she took
small stockings with candy and ornaments to 10 different teachers, her
class went to the movie theatre and then she performed her show choir
dance for her school! Fun day for all!!!

School Christmas parties

Well school is out for the winter break! The kids had a great time!
This is Wil playing heads or tails at his party. He didn't win this
game but won two others and was very excited about the bulldog stuffed
animal he won.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Fractured Fairy tale

Check out William's Fractured FAIRY TALE...HERE!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Dear William... When your little boy has a fit for the one hundredth
time about how much he HATES taking a shower or bath, especially when
he just took one the day before yesterday (seriously what is the deal
with little boys and washing???)... And when he finally goes upstairs
and gets in the tub and he dumps the whole bottle of bubble bath in
the tub... I am go to send u this post!!!! Love-Mom

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Birthday tulips

My birthday was awesome! Thanks to all my family and friends who made
it special! I said I was only going to keep this blog for a year to
give my children a glimpse into their lives in 2009, but I see that it
has grown into much more...we will see what my 42nd year of life
holds... Thank you Kristen, Kate, and Wil for giving me more opportunities
than I could ever have imagined!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Birthday soccer game

Soccer birthday game and u get to play goalie for last 9 minutes!
Sweet! Winner!!

Party pics

Thanks to everyone who came and made the day awesome for Wil! We missed our other cousins and can't wait to see them in a few weeks!

Happy 9th Birthday, Wil!

I guess it's official when it's on TV! So happy for him, but sad for
me. It is terribly cliche when people say that the time with your kids
goes by so fast, but it is painfully true! Happy Birthday, William,
you make my life and our family complete, we love you!!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Soccer and grandparents

Grandma and grandpa have been in town all week celebrating Wil's
birthday. Alhough we had a fairly light week, we still managed to take
them to breakfast with Santa and 4 soccer games! Wil played his first
ever indoor futsol soccer game, against 7 th grade girls! Although
they lost it was fun to watch them learn the game and they hustled the
whole time! KJ lost her indoor game, but they had no coaches and were
missing 4 players:-(... She will do better next time g and g are in
town. Kate won her first futsol game (and scored) and lost the second
one(she was just helping out the second game and had limited playing
time). All the kids were very excited that g and g came and watched
them play.


Frog jammies (super soft)... I am sure next year St Nic will have to
go to aeropostole for jammies, but mommy is happy she still luvs these
this year!


Star wars jammies and blow pop in his mouth.

St Nicholas Day

St. Nick visited and brought all the usual items: coloring books,
jammies, Christmas socks, pencils, candy, toothpaste, a Santa for
Kristen, a snowman for Kate, and a nutcracker for Wil. Kate and Wil
were the only ones here, Kristen was at a friends and everyone else
was asleep. Wil instantly put candy in his mouth and Kate did all the
dot to dots in her book, somethings never change. It is still
priceless to see how excited they were this morning... Even KJ when
she finally got home was super excited, her Christmas toe socks an
Jammie shorts were her favs!

Saturday, December 5, 2009


So the DSi is a huge hit!he luvs it and all his new games!

Wil birthday

Wil celebrated his birthday tonight! It could not have been more
perfect... Ok, so if ANY of my siblings were here :-( it would have
been better! Hard to believe they all don't live here in St. Louis :-(.... But we have the best friends in the entire world and MOM and Vic and Kris were
here to represent and Grandma and Grandpa came from KC and we are having a fabulous time! He could not be
happier! Luv u Wil!!!

KJ soccer

Kj lost her indoor soccer game today! She hustled and had a good game
even though they were short 3 players and had no coaches!!

KJ lights

Kristen helped in the Santa shop again this year. She is so big!!

Breakfast with Santa

Wil looked like he ran through some Christmas lights! Although they
are big, we still had a great time!