Thursday, September 3, 2009

Middle school, stuff, and good news...

sigh...I had a mini-day in the life of a 7th grader tonight. Two hours of what KJ's day is like, let's just say that I would NEVER want to do it again. Not only is her work load SO high, you also have to deal with all those hormones! KJ manages SO much better than her dad or I would! It was good timing for me as Kristen and I have had a few eye rolling, let's just not talk to each other days. It is good to get a perspective that it IS still really hard to grow up! She is doing a great job.

We are SUPER busy with school and homework. Kate is finding 5th grade to be a challenge. She is blessed with a super patient teacher, but the amount of homework in math and reading is something that she is not used to doing. We are slowly finding a rhythm, her not crying and me letting her work it out! She got two A's and a B last week so she is up to the challenge!

Wil has super good news, his tests scores were awesome last year so he was given an IQ test and qualified for our gifted program. Tonight we had his open house and he starts next week. Every Wednesday he will not go to regular school but will attend the district's gifted program for enrichment. He is super excited and proud of himself (and of course so are mom and dad :-).

Kate started Volleyball this week. She has never played before and since she cried at tryouts, I wasn't even sure she was going to go! But Bushia took her and she hasn't said anything about it, so hopefully it will all go smooth!

Wil is being invited to play in lots of soccer tournaments. Now that he is playing CYC and SLYSA it seems that everyone wants him on their team.

Kristen is full swing into show choir, with 6:30 a.m practices. She loves it. Her drama group is in the process of selecting the middle school play production and it is narrowed down to a few titles. She is hoping for the Little Mermaid (her aunts will love that ;-).

It always seems that if I don't post every day I miss so much stuff, but life is very full and more important happy!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! So much going on! Kate- VOlleyball rocks! It's a good compliment to your soccer skills. ;) And just so you know...I wasn't really good at volleyball until college. (And Kate, by good, I mean best player on the team, because I know thats how you judge yourself too ;))
    Wil- congrats on the great test scores!!! I can't wait to share your news with Noah!
    And Kristen- The Little Mermaid would be amazing! I can't wait to hear what the final result is!
    Love you guys!
