Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hitting the ground running...

OK the most important thing of the week was KATE turning ten, but we will get to that post later.
This week for me was the busiest week of the year...getting ready for Kate's bday and party Friday, report cards/parent teacher conferences (all went very well, I will miss this group of kids very much), teacher appreciation luncheon, technology meetings, teacher contract negotiations (NOT going well, feel free to call me if you want to know the truth, not the statistical manipulations and less than honorable report that was in the paper), new fourth quarter curriculum, MIZZOU games and parties (GREAT JOB! and heartbreaking), AND on top of all of that the TRUMAN Variety show, dress rehearsals, parents, kids, cutting music, programs, etc.  Actually any one of those things added on top of our usual schedule makes for an extra busy week, but for some unlucky reason it ALL fell in the same week for me!!!  So obviously that is why I the blog hasn't even crossed my mind until right now, when I am in between watching basketball games.  Michigan just beat Louisville, we LOVE March Madness in this house! William is becoming a statistics monster himself, quoting everything he has heard from all the daddies (and of course his crazy statistic mommy who reads all the sports pages to him ;-) He definitely has serious opinions on the tournament. He is so bummed that Mizzou basketball is over and that football doesn't start for a long time.  He is playing on a select baseball team this year after sitting out of baseball last year, so we will see if he develops a love of that sport.  As long as we are talking about William, he sang "God bless America" in the talent show.  He really did a great job! Kristen played the piano while he sang and it was too cute!  He also had two soccer games this weekend, one with his select soccer game where his team won 6-2 and he had an awesome defensive game.  And then this morning he won his Truman soccer game with a HAT TRICK (yup THREE goals). He was on fire.  

In the talent show, Kate and her friend Marissa sang "Love Story" and sounded wonderful! They looked absolutely awesome! Don't have a picture on my camera, so I will have to post it later.  Kate's hair was so adorable.  Kate went home with a friend after the show so she missed out on the after show photos :-(. Her soccer game on Saturday was rained out, which was a blessing in disguise so that she could get her hair and make up down without being rushed.  She is so miserable as the last two games have been rained out, don't know how I am going to console her if her game this Wednesday is cancelled!

Kristen was a HUGE help at the show on Saturday.  She was the NUMBER one reason the show was a big success.  She put up with me yelling and ALWAYS came through for me no matter what I asked of her.  I can not tell her thank you enough!  She is the reason I agreed to do the show in the first place four years ago and I am going to do one more year and done, it is a huge responsibility for a "volunteer" position!  KJ had an awesome soccer game yesterday, she was on FIRE!  I did not get to see it, but everyone says she was playing out of her mind! She had two scores! Not to mention steal, head balls, assists, etc.  She got the "game monkey" which is the most valuable player award, which is her first time this indoor season!! SO proud of her!  Last week she also overslept one day and had to come to work with me for an hour before I could run her over to her school, she graded a huge stack of papers for me.  Today she went to the Magic house with friends.  And last week at one of my teacher meetings one of her middle school teachers came up to me and said," I just love your daughter, Kristen, if you ever get tired of her I will adopt her, she is the best kid I have ever had."  Huge mommy pride :-)!  I think this week I will just slow down again and enjoy being Kristen, Kate and Wil's mom, they are such awesome kids!!

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