Monday, March 30, 2009

Happy TENTH birthday, Kate!

Hard to believe that she is TEN! We have been celebrating her birthday for a week now, as she got her "big" present when we were in Chicago, her new American Girl doll, Elizabeth. She of course wore the birthday crown to school. We stopped on our way and bought three dozen Krispy Kreme donuts to hand out to her classmates. She only had a partial day on her birthday, but it was the FIRST time in her school career that she was able to celebrate her birthday on her birthday as it has always fallen during spring break week! AND we all know how important that is to a school aged kid!

So not only did she get to go to school, she only had to go for 3 hours! She got to come home early to beautiful weather and play all afternoon! Plus she did not have to do any of her daily or weekly chores, which was a big hit with her! Actually Kate never complains about her chores, she just does them as quickly as possible without any distractions so she can get it over with (sounds like me ;-).

When I got home from my conferences, Kate was super excited! We finished decorating the kitchen, which she did mostly herself. She picked out a cookie cake and chocolate ice cream. She is most definitely our chocolate kid!

Everyone was at the house by 6. We ordered pizza and wings (she loves bbq and can eat a dozen by herself!) from St. Louis Pizza and Wings. She got lots of presents. One of her favorite being a soccer uniform for her American Girl doll and jammies for her other doll. She is going to see a concert with her Bushia on Saturday and she got lots of other nice gifts, gift cards and cash :-).

The kids had a dance party in the basement! The day was a huge success.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hitting the ground running...

OK the most important thing of the week was KATE turning ten, but we will get to that post later.
This week for me was the busiest week of the year...getting ready for Kate's bday and party Friday, report cards/parent teacher conferences (all went very well, I will miss this group of kids very much), teacher appreciation luncheon, technology meetings, teacher contract negotiations (NOT going well, feel free to call me if you want to know the truth, not the statistical manipulations and less than honorable report that was in the paper), new fourth quarter curriculum, MIZZOU games and parties (GREAT JOB! and heartbreaking), AND on top of all of that the TRUMAN Variety show, dress rehearsals, parents, kids, cutting music, programs, etc.  Actually any one of those things added on top of our usual schedule makes for an extra busy week, but for some unlucky reason it ALL fell in the same week for me!!!  So obviously that is why I the blog hasn't even crossed my mind until right now, when I am in between watching basketball games.  Michigan just beat Louisville, we LOVE March Madness in this house! William is becoming a statistics monster himself, quoting everything he has heard from all the daddies (and of course his crazy statistic mommy who reads all the sports pages to him ;-) He definitely has serious opinions on the tournament. He is so bummed that Mizzou basketball is over and that football doesn't start for a long time.  He is playing on a select baseball team this year after sitting out of baseball last year, so we will see if he develops a love of that sport.  As long as we are talking about William, he sang "God bless America" in the talent show.  He really did a great job! Kristen played the piano while he sang and it was too cute!  He also had two soccer games this weekend, one with his select soccer game where his team won 6-2 and he had an awesome defensive game.  And then this morning he won his Truman soccer game with a HAT TRICK (yup THREE goals). He was on fire.  

In the talent show, Kate and her friend Marissa sang "Love Story" and sounded wonderful! They looked absolutely awesome! Don't have a picture on my camera, so I will have to post it later.  Kate's hair was so adorable.  Kate went home with a friend after the show so she missed out on the after show photos :-(. Her soccer game on Saturday was rained out, which was a blessing in disguise so that she could get her hair and make up down without being rushed.  She is so miserable as the last two games have been rained out, don't know how I am going to console her if her game this Wednesday is cancelled!

Kristen was a HUGE help at the show on Saturday.  She was the NUMBER one reason the show was a big success.  She put up with me yelling and ALWAYS came through for me no matter what I asked of her.  I can not tell her thank you enough!  She is the reason I agreed to do the show in the first place four years ago and I am going to do one more year and done, it is a huge responsibility for a "volunteer" position!  KJ had an awesome soccer game yesterday, she was on FIRE!  I did not get to see it, but everyone says she was playing out of her mind! She had two scores! Not to mention steal, head balls, assists, etc.  She got the "game monkey" which is the most valuable player award, which is her first time this indoor season!! SO proud of her!  Last week she also overslept one day and had to come to work with me for an hour before I could run her over to her school, she graded a huge stack of papers for me.  Today she went to the Magic house with friends.  And last week at one of my teacher meetings one of her middle school teachers came up to me and said," I just love your daughter, Kristen, if you ever get tired of her I will adopt her, she is the best kid I have ever had."  Huge mommy pride :-)!  I think this week I will just slow down again and enjoy being Kristen, Kate and Wil's mom, they are such awesome kids!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Chi-town part 2

Rest of the pictures...

Sweet Home Chicago

Here are the pictures from our trip to Chicago from one of the digital cameras. We had a great time!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Home again...

Well this pretty much summarizes the trip home...

Except for LISTENING to the Mizzou game on the radio. I can honestly say that it had to be 10x more agonizing listening to it than watching it as we only had the commentators interpretation of the game. Screaming at the radio does not have the same effect as screaming and cheering at the tv! MIZ....ZOU!!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Another huge day...we can hardly believe that we can squeeze more into one day. We can not begin to express how many, many, many blocks we have walked. It always amazes us that no matter what "city-folk" we ask for directions, they always say it is "not-far." HA! It is always far ;-). We have walked everywhere, grocery stores, walgreens, restaurants, shopping, sight seeing...etc.

This morning we asked Daddy to drive us to the American Girl Doll store so Kristen could get her doll, Kaya, to the hair salon. We had tried last night but the line was too long, so Daddy dropped us off and the boys went for a drive to Lincoln park. The girls and I got in line and had to wait about a half hour to get waited on and then they told us it would be at least 3 hours until she was done. We were cool with that. Her hair most definitely WON the worst hair ever contest. Kristen has had Kaya since she was 4 and she needed a salon treatment!

We went back to the condo and parked the car and walked to the Navy Pier. It was actually very warm, we really didn't need coats. The three kids road the huge Farris wheel. We walked the entire length of the pier. We watched the fishermen and actually watched some guys put a dollar on their fishing pole an cast it out into the street. A jogger running by tried to pick it up, the guy of course reeled it in and the jogger lunged for it thinking it was blowing away. By this time EVERYONE was laughing so hard, the jogger was very good natured about it, but we wished we would have gotten it on videotape!! We had lunch at Navy Pier and watched an a capella competition that was awesome, the group singers were very impressive.
We then decided to walk from the Navy Pier to the American Girls store. It was so nice outside, I think our brains took a vacation, because our LEGS hurt so bad, we can not believe we walked! We picked up Kaya and she looked incredible! WOW!
Then we went to the Hershey factory and had some designer cupcakes. This is Wil's "bear", believe it or not there is actually cake under all that icing...

Here is Kristen's cupcake being made...

We walked back to the condo and everyone was spent, but it was our last full day so the kids and I walked back to navy pier and played at the Children's Museum until they kicked us out! The kids LOVED the water park.
Wil took on all players (including this grown man) at the giant chess board.

When we got back we were starving, but also wanted to watch the game. Walked around a dozen or so blocks looking for this sports bar we saw, like we needed to walk more. Stopped a lady walking her dog and she said all she knew was the ESPN sports zone bar, so I looked it up on my phone and we walked there. It was an EXCELLENT choice! The kid spent hours playing games, the girls did the dance dance revolution machine and had a huge crowd around them at all times. Daddy and Mommy not only watched the basketball games, but the NCAA wrestling championships, the bulls game, two hockey games, and a soccer game. Kristen asked and there were 165! tvs in the place! The main one is larger than the condo ;-). Here are the kids watching the game in the "front row" chairs...

We walked back to the condo, a very tired and happy family!

This morning (Sunday) we are doing laundry and housework! Although the condo is easy to clean up, doing all the sheets and towel for five in a small washer/drier is taking forever! Took the kids to the "doggie" park, everyone is out as it is a nice day! Daddy just took the kids to walk to McDonald's, even Wil said, "I can't walk, my legs are going to fall off ;-)." We will be very sad to leave, but so grateful for the great trip!!


Oh my, I can't even keep up with the posts. Yesterday was Friday. We were up and out to the Planetarium.Our favorite part at the planetarium was jumping on the moon! Wil's favorite part was being in the newspaper! He is going to be the next astronaut on the moon!

It was a GORGEOUS day, the weather was beautiful...

Afterwards we walked over to the Field Museum. We saw the dinosaurs, the Egyptian exhibit, and the Hall of Mammals. We were all pretty exhausted and wanted to catch the Mizzou game. We went to an Irish pub around the corner to watch MIZZOU win the first round of the NCAA championship.Went back to the condo and KJ made pasta! Yum! Then we were off to the American Girl store. Kate got a NEW American girl doll for her birthday, Elizabeth. She was very surprised and happy! We fell asleep exhausted! We have TONS of pictures on the digital camera, only the ones that Mommy took with her phone have we been able to post. We are going to need a month to recover from all this walking!

Friday, March 20, 2009


Waking up in Chicago was incredible. Each one of us had our own reaction to opening our eyes and looking outside to see downtown Chicago, simply precious! Kristen slept in the living room and the rest of us slept in the bedroom. The kids checked out the condo building, disappointed that it had an OUTDOOR pool...

William was still fascinated by the height of the building (and yes, Daddy is getting used to the height, although he has yet to be on the balcony ;-)

After breakfast it was off to ...SIX hours at the Museum of Science and Industry!! OH my! The best thing we did was purchase our science center membership in St. Louis before we left. There are a half dozen museums in Chicago that have reciprocal memberships so our cost to enter the MSI?? nada! cool!

We walked to the Millennium Park to catch the Metra. We could have driven but wanted to give the kids the experience of riding the double decker train! Most of our pictures are on the digital camera, so they will have to be posted later.

Every one's absolute favorite thing was dissecting a cow's eyeball. Yes! It was a REAL eyeball. Eli was our instructor and he did an incredible job explaining all the parts and their functions. It was an incredible experience.

Other than that Kristen's favorite place was fast forward (about future technology) and Imaging (computer technology). Daddy, Wil, and Kate's favorite part was the coal mine tour. And Mommy's favorite part was the circus, where they had virtual balloons that you controlled with your shadows. Other big hits were the farming exhibit, Foucault pendulum, fairy castle and a ball dropping experiment!

Back to the condo, more shopping and ice cream. Everyone's legs hurt and we were exhausted, but happy!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Road trip...CHICAGO...Wednesday

Uncle David is letting us stay in his condo, in Chicago, for the rest of spring break! Here is how the road trip went...
yes, that is three kids... on three laptops... watching three separate movies. NOT the way Chris and I used to travel as kids, I know that one trip as a child, I spent counting the moles on my arm (but that is another story)! They did a great job considering the car is not large and we made great time!

The kids were in charge of the video camera for this trip so I have a feeling that there is going to be way too much video to even post! But I am sure we will upload the highlights and make a full length motion picture when we get back to STL.

It has been five years since the kids were in Chicago. The excitement in their eyes when they saw lake Michigan was contagious! We exited at the right exit and only had to circle the block once to find the parking garage...

YES they were SUPER happy!

After we checked out the place, unloaded the car and unpacked we were all starving! Daddy wanted Chicago style pizza, so we grabbed the map and headed out the door. It was cold, but not brutal. The sun was still shining! We walked to the Chicago river, which was dyed green for St. Patrick's day....

and then Wil spotted the sun setting through some buildings...

It was magical.... We had a great time, just walking, talking, posing by statues and sculptures, and looking at the buildings. Like I always say, it would be impossible to record all the funny and interesting things we saw and talked about! By the time we got to Giordano's, we were star--r-r-r-rving...KJ was eating the appetizer decoration.The pizza took 30 minutes to cook....

But it was delicious! We walked back on Michigan avenue and took in the sites. Stopped at the Blackhawks store and took pictures for our "hockey"friend Connor. Kate was freaked out about walking over the bridge, which is only fair as Daddy is freaked out about the height of the condo (he won't go near the windows as it is on the 16th floor). There is a giant "American Gothic" statue on Michigan avenue. We headed back to the condo, stopped at the grocery store, and then pretty much spent the evening looking out the windows...every once in awhile someone would say, "hey look," and point out the window and we would all look as they yelled, "we're in Chicago!" then we would all laugh every time! We are a very happy family!!

Spring break 2

Well I suppose if you want something done, ask a busy person. Seems we squeezed in the St. Patrick's day parade and a few parties on Saturday along with our three soccer games. The weather was beautiful! Wil tied one game and won the other (scored twice). Kristen won her soccer game and scored! Yes that is Megan eating ice cream on Uncle Chris' head and Kristen in the tree watching the parade!

Sunday was spent working in Bushia's yard. Ahssha bbq-ed! It was a great day spent outdoors and ended up with roasting marshmallows!

Monday was spent doing yardwork at Brandi's. The kids played for 7 hours. They also ran through the sprinkler (ok really pushing the season) and B grilled out hamburgers!

Tuesday was spent at home, cleaning and packing (at least for a few hours). The girls went birthday shopping with big grandpa and grandma and got tons of CUTE stuff! They went to the mills and steak n shake. Wil went with Uncle David out to lunch and over to play. Mom did yardwork in the back 40 ;-). Then we all ended up at Uncle David's for dinner. Megan is four on Thursday, so we brought our present over early.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Days like today are frustrating! We have soccer at 9 3 & 8. So not enough time between anything to get anything really done!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Welcome Spring Break!

The kids only had a 3 hours school day today. Mommy is working on getting report cards done. But we are officially on spring break!

Few notes from the week...

Little Grandma sent William and email asking Wil the following math question; I have 190 nickels, 300 dimes, and 480 quarters. How much money do I have? Here is how Wil figured out the answer with NO help from anyone.

"190 nickles, that's easy, just add 190 five times. Answer $9.50. 300 dimes, Well that's easy add 300 ten times. $30.00. Ok, now 480 quarters, 25 times. Mom, this would be easier if I was better at big multiplication, but don't help me now, I want to do it myself. Ok, so if I add 480 ten times it is $48.00, I need to add that twice to give me 20times, and that is $96.00 and then half of 48 because I only need five more is 24.00. So $24.oo plus $96.00 equals $120.00. Then add $9.50, plus $30.00, plus $120.00 and it equals $159.5o. Answer $159.00. Give me your phone mom so I can call Grandma."

Also Wil and a friend of his in class are working on constructing a building. Here is the picture he sent me yesterday.

Kate had WC practices and is teaching her team a new cheer.

Wil had his first batting practice for baseball. Somehow he managed to get a busted lip!

Kristen had her first full day of school on Thursday and she is still exhausted!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Minnie Ha Ha

We have had a few nice days here. Kristen unfortunately has been sick, she just climbed out of bed today after five straight days of being confined to her room. Kate had a birthday sleepover at her friend Sarah's house on Saturday. So that left Daddy and me with just Wil and Sonny! We went to Minnie Ha Ha park and walked the new trail. Wil and Sonny both found all the dirt they could to play in, not to mention throwing rocks in the river and collecting a few more to take home. Wil is a fanatic about rocks. He received some special rock tools for Christmas and is always out in the backyard hammering on something and bringing the special ones inside.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Weekend update...

Friday was muffins with mom.  Wil and I had a great morning reading books and having coffee and muffins in his classroom before school.Friday Kristen decided to get sick, unfortunately it was all over the back of Big Grandpa's car! Yuck!  Unfortunately it turned out to be the flu, confirmed by the doctor. Sorry if anyone catches it! Chris and Kate have had the flu shot, but Wil and I are trying to avoid her! Which for mommy has been next to impossible.

Friday night Chris took the two healthy kids, Kate and Wil to the hockey game. They had a great time!

Wil was the only one with soccer games this weekend.  He won both, scoring once and out hustling everyone!

Kate had her first outdoor practice. She lucked out with beautiful weather!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Chinese fire drill... kids know what this is and the weather was so nice this morning we did one at the red light on the way to school. Laughter is the best way to start your day!
Well Daddy did it again and gave Wil a haircut.

Last night was a fun night playing at Uncle D's.

Kristen signed up for her first service learning overnight project! She is enjoying her participation in builders club at the middle school! Her teeth are also moving with her braces! She has a busy social life planned for the weekend!

Kate is on a field trip to the Magic House today. Very excited to be learning about economics! She of course applied for and got the position as a waitress at the restaurant. They do several formal lessons before and after the trip, she can even write a check now! OH MY!

Like I have said so many times before, I wish I could remember HALF of what I want to write in the blog! Wil had us cracking up in the car the other day and Chris and I both just knew it had to be recorded but I can't remember what it was! I keep pitching the idea of a tv sitcom that just takes place in my car, I guarantee it will be the funniest thing on tv!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Well I just finished reading my cousin's blog about her son and in her post she is celebrating the 6th month anniversary of Nathaniel's adoption! When Kristine told us she was going to adopt from Ethiopia I really can't say that anyone thought much about it, encouraging yes, but it seemed so distant for us (her extended family). We of course were very excited for her, but it was just going to be something she did. I remember the first day we saw his pictures, my kids were so excited and could not stop talking about him. The girls were in love with how cute he was and Wil was excited that he was going to have another god-brother! It became "real" for us at that point, just like our family gets excited about pregnancies, we got excited for Nathanial's arrival. We had baby showers and got regular updates and finally they left on their trip to get Nathaniel. I remember the day they brought him home, we (as a family) REALLY wanted to go to the airport and meet them, but thought it best to not overwhelm him with the excitement of ALL the family ;-). The first time we met Nathaniel was at our mom's house. He took to Kate and especially Wil, right away. Kristen missed our first meeting, but on the second she more than made up for it, "teaching" him words and dragging him around the house. Our extended family has grown from the "original" seven cousins to add six spouses and now going on our 15th and 16th kid (yes, we will be 31 total by family vacation time)! For myself, the first time I meet any new baby in our family there is always instant joy of knowing they are one of our own. I can honestly say, from the first time I laid eyes on Nathaniel, it was that instant feeling too, he was one of our own. I looked through some of my family pictures I have on my laptop to find a picture of Nathaniel, and guess what, in every picture he is just hanging out with the kids, he truly is just one of us! Sure he brings his unique qualities to our family, but in the end he is just one of the cousins, hanging out and having a good time! Can there be anyting better? Family.

Reality check

Ok, so, Chris got the cell phone bill and Kristen had 50 dollars worth of charges. No she did not know that they were that much and of course she is very sorry, but still!! Anyone who knows us, knows that we have had a rough 2008 financialy and are still struggling daily to adjust to the huge pay cut. We try to teach our children to manage their money and live within their means, not an easy lesson to learn. I started (and keep) this blog so my children have a glimpse into their life, but I don't want them to think that everything was always "roses and sunshine." There is a country song that says,"these are the good ole days," and I know for myself that I put a consious effort into enjoying the "here & now" with the kids. And if KKW are reading this as adults, NO not every moment was full of fun, laughter, pride, etc! Wil can tell you he just got ungrounded after a week. Kate spent the weekend grounded from screens. And well, KJ and her phone bill still need to be dealt with. BUT for the most part we do focus on the good times. So Kristen, Kate, Wil, if you are reading this as an adult, and I can only hope you have kids of your own (who sometimes you have to yell at and ground ;-), remember, it all goes by very quickly! Reality check? Nah, just life! Thanks for letting me be your mom (((hugs)))

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Kate played in the Shooting Stars tournament. Her team ended up making it to the championship and lost! But second place is pretty awesome! She took it really hard, lots of tears, but she played a great game! She took one blocked shot off of her thigh that left the pattern of the ball as a welt mark on her leg! OUCH!

Kristen had her last two basketball games on Sunday. Both were a loss but one was super close and fun to watch. Kristen even scored!!