So last night I was listening to those around me talk of ’08…for some it was GREAT ’08 and for others it was HATE ’08…both made me laugh, but the best part was everyone agreed they were going to SHINE in ’09!! How fun!
So here is a brief look back at ’08 (p.s. I thought it was more GREAT than HATE ;-)
January…40th birthday trip to London with my mom!
February…Kristen 11! Gets her first cell phone, which is her NUMBER 1 “great” for ’08! And cousin Hannah was born on Kristen’s birthday!
March…Kate turns 9 (and she did shine!) with a roller skating birthday party! She tried out and made her first club soccer team. She plays for WC Arsenal and we can not say enough about the coaches (First Jay, Now Kevin) who have increased her skill level and understanding of the game. Many, many hours of enjoyment watching WC practice and play!! And a trip to Memphis for an out of town tournament.
April…taking the kids to their first “real” concert, Jimmy Buffet at the outdoor amphitheater. Riding in the limo to the concert…dancing in the lawn!
May…Kristen being awarded a Glory Award from the state of Missouri. Our trip to Jefferson City to see her accept the award. Could not be more proud of what a truly kind and gentle soul she is. The whole month of May was about KJ…ending of elementary school, fifth grade trips, fifth grade field day, fifth grade swimming, fifth grade party, and DARE graduation. She had a incredible year, she was chosen as Truman’s ambassador for her fifth grade year by a vote of her teachers. She represented Lindbergh School District as a student of Character, presenting to a national board on why LSD should receive a character award! Her artwork was also selected by a panel of LSD art teachers to be shown at the Lindbergh Art Gallery for the 08-09 school year! WOW what a fifth grade year she had!!
June…trip to New York City with my bff Brandi! Kidless in a big city with a bff? Mental stimualation and a ton of fun…who could ask for more!! Figured out the bus system and subway!
Kids first trip to Disneyworld. This is definitely top on everyone’s ’08 list! (Thanks Uncle David!) The funniest part was watching Kristen, Kate, Wil and Noah in the airport singing the “We’re going to Disneyworld song” (ok so a chant they made up;-) BUT it made everyone smile and talk to them. How can you not be moved by that kind of excitement! Everyone agree the only thing that would have made that a perfect trip would have been if their cousin Tyler hadn’t broken his leg just before the trip and he could have gone with us!!
July…family trip to Hilton Head. What fun to mark off the miles with the kids…to drive on to the island and stop at the HH museum! Got a little history of the island and bought our first souvenirs, mine favorite being the red/white lighthouse lamp that is in my bathroom. Jet skis on the ocean and parasailing were on the top of everyone’s ’08. And of course what can be better than long days at the beach and nights at the pool with the people you love most in the world.
Summer also included lots of swimming in David’s pool. Swim team with the Fenton Sharks, watching the kids set personal records and Kristen excelling in all her strokes! There were trips to the creek and camping and a very memorable float trip with the Morton’s! Hours in our own pool on the back porch and on the trampoline!!
August…Kristen starts middle school. For the first time ever she is not riding with me in the car to and from school. Hard to believe how much I missed her. Those precious minutes in the car with the kids every day, checking in on their plans and seeing how the day went. Our good friends the Morton’s got a boat and we spent a lot of time on the river enjoying their and our friend’s the DuPonts boat.
October…Is there anything more fun than dressing up and eating candy?
November…Thanksgiving at my cousin John and Jan’s house. My memories of Thanksgiving were at John’s mom’s house, my Aunt Irene and I love that my kids look forward to going to J&J every year on Thanksgiving. The annual walk, Cousin Mark’s flashlights, mashed potatoes, bourbon slushies, and Chrusciki! We missed the teepee this year :-(. And our first trip to see Trans Syberian Orchestra!
Wil and Daddy going to get Sonny Snickers Ohler!!!
And well DECEMBER….I have pretty much blogged, although I have decided it would be impossible to record everything the kids do! Just this morning Wil was laying on the floor making up a song for Sonny about what a good dog he is…Kate and Wil chasing each other around the house…Kristen sleeping until noon and our conversation yesterday about her passions and hopes and dreams for ‘09…Sonny’s trip to the Vet yesterday…plus our beloved red van may be gone by the end of the day (see now you have to come back tomorrow and see what happened ;-). Could never capture every moment, but gonna try to keep a glimpse of it.
I know there aren’t many that read this, I am keeping it for a year as a record for the kids and me…but if you are reading this, know that you are so special and loved and that my kids are so blessed that you are in their lives! Remember SHINE in ’09! (((hugs)))
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