Thursday, July 31, 2014

It was a fabulous trip and the best part was hanging out with family

And first day back was spent sleeping

Except for Kate who keeps powering through and went to soccer and had a sleepover and of course went to the pool to show off the tan!

Then we scored a few extra seats so we could get a little and I mean a tiny bit of sleep

Best plane ride of Kate's life as she met American idol and viner Kayden on the plane ride... Seriously the icing on the cake of a fabulous trip!!
Our last day at the beach

And Kate got stung by a man o war on her leg, painful!

Our last dinner

Horrible packing

And chilling at airport

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Afternoon at the beach Monday

Monday, July 28, 2014

We snorkeled here way to the left and saw more fish and coral than we could have ever imagined.
Early this morning Hanauma bay

Lots of fire dancers
And fire dancers
And Kate's favorite the slap dance
The chief getting ready to present the roasted pig

Lots of dancing

And fire dancers

Wil got on stage to hula...

As did Amy and Eric for their 12th anniversary!

Great storytelling, games and activities! Including a roasted pig.

Spent the evening at Chief's luau....AMAZING!!
Noah and Caleb had basketball so Wil and I went and explored

Saw the paddle board word championship finish line.

Then took Kate with is to "Sandy Beach" more like breakneck beach! Huge waves... They got in, I never was brave enough!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Evening walk and turtle watch

Evening in Waikiki

Anniversary Eve

Friday, July 25, 2014

Our short afternoon in the waves

Missing third child

Last night

Chris made to Denver for his cousin's wedding.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Today we toured Pearl Harbor

Learned about the subs

And the machines

And the guns

And the history

Sunset on the north shore.

Shrimp dinner for mom!

Bright sunshine, clouds, swimming with turtles!