Saturday, July 27, 2013

Hannah helping

Happy Anniversary to Amy an Eric!

Demo at Sara's

The "selfies" before the dance.

Kristen on the beach at Gulf Shores.

Sight seeing!

Gardens with Bushia

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Latest and greatest of JACK-JACK! LUV!!

Sonny chasing the sun. A dog's life!

Paint war!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

DAMN DEER ate my Hibiscus off my porch!!!

Happy lunch dates!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Kristen and Liz lovin the ocean!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Kate spent the day at six flags! Wil and friends went to the mixer. Kristen left for Gulf Shores. Exciting Friday.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

And she made it to STATE in September! Super excited!!

Competition cheer. First time ever Lindbergh participated in competition!

Jack is doing well. They took out his IV last night.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Preview of competition cheer!

Rainbow on the way to bball last night

Because I love this picture so much! Hannah going to soccer!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Fun night. Wil eating in the pool! All girls of course came back with us and spent the night!

Awesome pool party!

Some of the healing blisters, before the pool :(

When your oldest goes to Jilley's cupcake bar without you <<<<

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Ok soooo I was just revisiting one of my favorite sayings..."Don't compare your real life with someone else's highlight reel" Seems very appropriate this week, we spent two full days (ok mostly Chris and Wil but the girls and I did help) finally burning all the limbs from the tree. Freak accident happened one morning when Wil and I were burning, Wil sprayed my legs with bug spray and them himself. He went to put more limbs on the fire and the flames instantly jumped to his hand and caught him on fire. Short story...bug spray is flammable and after 12 hours of soaking his hand in cool water he ended up with four large blisters. Phew. The next day, Chris was carrying the big logs into a pile an he slipped and fell on the rocks tearing up his arm and legs. Last weekend Wil crushed his finger while rock climbing, not broke just ripped the skin off and couldn't catch in his baseball game (other hand than the burnt one, so yeah he is a mess). And while at the lake Chris got a nasty sun burn and ended up with thousands of blisters all over his torso which have now popped and are peeling, he looks worse than our lizard Izzy! AND last but not least...Wil has some friends over this morning and they are jumping on our broke trampoline (of course why wouldn't you jump on a trampoline with half the springs missing ;) AND...wait for it..........




Really people, we can not make this stuff up!! Real life is messy!! I'm glad no one is seriously hurt! So there ya go! Messy things happen (and not just in threes)!

Kristen's cheerleading swim party!

Friday, July 12, 2013

New nephew Jackson William born July 11, 2013! David & Nikki are doing great. Tyler and Megan are excited to have a little brother!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Hardest working kid I know...this tree will not win! Wil still cleaning and burning!

The deer are coming into the yards every night now.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Sunset last night after baseball.

New cheer practice outfits are adorable! Picture does not do it justice. Competition is next week, getting very excited!

Back at the ortho...LONG time in the chair, gonna be a Motrin kind of day.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Sooo hot at baseball...a double and single so far!

It might be official...Kate is taller than dad!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Ok...the fireworks tent story! The first week of set up was brutal, 98 degrees, heat rash and 14-18 hour days. Still exciting and a HUGE learning curve. Land rental, tent lacing, tax ids, zoning, building permits, fire inspections, marketing, etc! Even the threat of tent shut down 30 minutes before opening! But the slooowww sales and even worse weather, flooded tent, drainage ditch dug, no sales and shut down with open ditch...end of week two very, very unhappy owners. Last week no one but owners worked...sad for me because I had hope to make enough money for a Hawaii ticket, but I suppose it all worked out for the best, because I would have missed out on, soccer pool party, two lake house trips, the parade and concert and fireworks at the arch, family boating trip, sehy's baptism, seeing Alan and Chandra, etc! Ill get to Hawaii eventually, really miss seeing Amy and her boys! I could write a book about a fireworks tent! There is money to be had, just more work than you think and not millions, but for three weeks of work could be worth it! So glad I did it, I have files full of notes and am sure i'll be telling fireworks tent stories for years!
Kristen's jump! First of many
Kate the second kid brave enough...and of course se did it again and again
Yes he did this dozens of times before the big kids could get up the courage! See Kate standing was very, very high!
Wil's first of 100 jumps of the day
Liz first and only jump!

Always fun with the cousins!