Thursday, January 31, 2013

So very proud of Kristen who was nominated and awarded the Sunset Hills Rotary Club Youth Leadership Award!! She will be attending a three day leadership conference in June compliments of the Rotary Club. Awesome job Kristen!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Kate's new championship jacket!

This is a super happy boy getting his cast off!! One more week of rest then back to some sports, but no goalie work for awhile.

How many college applications can come in the mail in one week for Kristen?!?! Decisions decisions decisions...

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Kate and Wil had a lot of brother sister time this weekend. Kristen was busy with cheer, life guarding class and another 16th bday party. She spent her evening in a hummer limo touring the city! Rough life! Chris an I were busy with basketball tournaments, wine tasting at the Chase, and a friend's 40th bday party! Exhausting weekend.

Kate and Wil's visit to Fitz's rootbeer.

Kate's 8th grade Flyers team.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Followed by a big Win! Kate played great offense and defense!

Big loss, Kate played good defense.

Opening Blues game double date for Kristen. Blues win 6-0! Awesome!
Toe touch

Getting up there!

Nice face!

Love my cheerleader!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Been a calm week with just running two kids to activities. Here is Wil making cotton candy at a friends house. Kristen is fighting off a cold. Everyone is plugging away at school, work, homework, basketball, soccer, cheer....ahhh January.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Broke hand no basketball...cotton candy machine instead? Yes please!

Monday, January 14, 2013

This is soooo true! They smell soooo bad!
It was a calm weekend! Kate went on her confirmation retreat Friday- Sunday. She came away after the family mass on Sunday night very moved. It is a wonderful experience to self examine yourself as a 13 year old on the verge of high school. I'm sure many of the lessons learned will stick with her forever.
The Ryan's were also in town for a short but always fun visit! Christmas was officially put away and the storage room was officially cleaned out! We also purge a dozen bags of clothes that the kids have out grown. If I could just have a few more days at home with little to no running of children my house would be so much happier!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Kristen's half time performance!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

So here is the poor finger before being cast. He caught it between the ball and another players hand while playing basketball. He dislocated it, popped it back in himself and played the rest on the game basically one handed. The doctor said he did a pretty good job with alignment only slightly off. We didn't realize until after the game that he hasn't "jammed" it! Guess that's what you call playing through pain! Three weeks in a cast and then more X-rays. Hopefully just out 6 weeks of goalie work.

Monday, January 7, 2013

On a happier note...Kristen at cheer legendz camp on Sunday.

Such a sad!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

It's the broke or not game played by the Ohler's every couple of months...

Basketball game for Wil....

Kate scored two and Kj assisted her BF. fun night, even if it was a 10:00 pm game!

First place for Wil! WTG Flyers! 4 games in 5 hours, phew!

Wil 4 games in 5 hours!

Serious problems posting again! Grrr

Friday, January 4, 2013

Kristen cheering tonight! Jv boys won a barn burner in overtime. My freshmen girls won, although they tried to give it away. Chris dj St Paul's first ever mixer which was attending by Kate and Wil (interesting stories later I'm sure). Wil has friends spending the night and Kate is spending the night. Wonder where Kj is?

Best of 2012

Best of 2012
In no particular order, but just because I like to have all my memories in one post!

Thanksgiving on the beach
Wedding in Scottsdale
Kate Mother's Day championship and beating Wipke
Wil's overtime diving saves in double overtime penalty kicks for championship
Kristen's basket toss toe touches (that still take my breath away until they catch her)
Kristen's toys for tots drive
My "12" days of Christmas at work
Wil's caroling for adopt a family
Kate's parochial city-county championship
Colin's wedding
Kate's braces on and Kristen's braces off
Kristen vice-president of sophomore class
Kristen making the freshmen soccer team
Wil Emerald cup champions Overland Park
Wil basketball city-county champs (wild game)
Kate's show choir competition first place
The Streaker at the Cardinal baseball game
Jacob's graduation from high school
Grizzlies game-Wil catching pop flies
Kristen to Hawaii
Trip to Holiday World
Justin Bieber concert

Sometimes I do the "worst" of the year too and yes there were broken bones by Kate and Wil and other terrible things that happened in 2012 but really I've come to realize that even though I may say that I'm a glass half empty kind of girl it is sooo not true! (Epiphany!) I'm really a idealist at heart who thinks everything will work out for the best in the long run! Here's to a loooong run of good times!!

Look what Kate finished!!

New Year's Day fun! And c won the poker tournament!

Colin's wedding

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Kate's outdoor practices start Sunday!! Yikes!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Argh having lots of trouble posting since new years...i'm sure they have changed some setting or something! So very frustrating to not be able to post effortlessly from my cell phone. We had a very hectic and busy break, just sent the kids upstairs to get in bed. Back to school, back to work tomorrow! I expect very crabby kids and mommy tomorrow! Happy 2013!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Ummm how many teenagers are spending the night?

Happy New year Summertop style!